The Employment Tax laws are changing again, and they will take place from 6th April 2018. It is important that all employers are aware of these changes and consider how this will impact your company. You should also make any necessary communication with your staff.


Auto Enrolment

All employers will have to provide a workplace pension for all staff members that qualify by the April 2018 deadline and most already do.

Take a look at the table below to see the minimum contributions that must be met by both the employer and employee:


 Minimum Employer Contribution

 Minimum Employee Contribution

 Total Minimum Contribution





 6th April 2018




For more information on work place pension please visit the website or click here


National Minimum Wage and Living Wage

There are different hourly rates of National Minimum Wage and this depends on the age of the members of your team. If staff are 25 years and over, then they will get the National Living Wage. As an employer you are legally obliged to pay the National Minimum and Living Wage.


 25 and over

21 to 24

18 to 20

Under 18








 1st April 2018






Apprentices are entitled to the apprentice rate if they're either aged under 19, or, aged 19 or over and in first year of apprenticeship. Apprentices are entitled to the minimum wage for their age if they are both aged 19 or over and have completed the first year of their apprenticeship. More information can be found here or if you want to see previous years minimum hourly rates


If you would like to speak about these changes that are to come in to place or what steps you need to take, then please call us on 02920 653995

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