Happy with our work?

Our clients have been very loyal by giving us some superb references since we began trading.  In fact, a good proportion of our clients have come via the referral route.

So, it’s time for us to give something back.

Refer us to others for a £40 discount on this year’s fee

As an existing client, if you refer us on to someone who becomes a client directly as a result of your referral, we’ll give you £40 discount on your fees* for that same year.

Refer two clients who sign up with us – and you’ll get double the discount. Three clients and triple – so if you recommend others to us regularly, who knows – you may never have to pay one of our invoices again.

Just make sure that they tell us that you sent them!

To find out more call Nicola on 029 2065 3995 or email her asking for more information.

*at referral invoicing point.


All the important rates and threshold for the tax year 2021/2022


National Minimum Wage

This takes effect from 01 April 2021 and all workers are entitled to.


Category of worker

Hourly rate

Aged 23 and above


Aged 21 to 22


Aged 18 to 20


Under 18 (but above compulsory school leaving age)


Apprentices aged under 19


Apprentices aged 19 and over (but in the first year of their apprenticeship)



Please note the age rate bracket has changed from previous years also.


PAYE Tax Rates and Threshold

These rates depend on the amount of income you earn.


Personal allowance


Basic tax rate – 20%

£12,571 – £37,700

Higher tax rate – 40%

£37,701 - £150,000

Additional tax rate – 45%


Employment Allowance


Employment Allowance allows eligible employers to reduce their annual National Insurance liability by up to the annual allowance amount.


Employment Allowance



Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)


The same weekly SSP rate applies to all employees. However, the amount you must actually pay an employee for each day they’re off work due to illness (the daily rate) depends on the number of ‘qualifying days’ they work each week.


Number of qualifying days in week

1 day to pay

2 days to pay

3 days to pay

4 days to pay

5 days to pay

6 days to pay

7 days to pay


























































Dividend Allowance

You also get a dividend allowance each year. You only pay tax on any dividend income above the dividend allowance.


Dividend Allowance


Mileage Allowance

The allowed deductible rate per mile for business use.


Type of vehicle



45p (for the first 10,000 business miles, then 25p for each subsequent mile)





Self Employment Vs Employed

I get asked questions about subcontractors on a regular basis, so I thought I would share a few tips with you.


You will need to register for PAYE all employed staff regardless of the number of hours they work for you.    You need to keep personal information for example.  Name, address, national insurance, date of birth, hours worked and start and finish dates.   Keep a personnel file of any discussions or grievances too.

All employees require an employment contract, this can be simply done see the business link website for a template.

Business Link Template

Or you can use a registered HR Company to prepare one for you.

It describes the employee job title, description, hours of pay.  Rights to holiday entitlement, grievance procedures and sick and maternity leave.  Confirmation of start date and a job description, along with company rules and procedures.

You as the employer allocate work as required and set the hours of work to that employee, these are likely to consistent.  They do not have the responsibility of hiring or dismissing your staff.

You will need to keep employment records and records of salary paid, and you are responsible for their national insurance and income tax contributions.  You will also pay Employers National insurance on top of their salary, after the tax free allowances are taken into account.   Normally applying to full time time or part time after earning gross pay of £625 per calendar month. 2012/13 rates.

Self Employed or Contractors

Self employed staff or sub contractors are normally used on a temporary basis, the hours can be sporadic, and they have other customers besides yourself.

They would either be set up as a Limited Company, ie they are the employees of that company  or your supplier.   Or set up for self assessment.   They have the right to take or refuse a contract offered to them.  They also have the right hire and dismiss their own staff.

They have no entitlement to holiday pay, or sick pay through yourselves, or minimum wage.  But will normally charge for work done at their agreed hourly or fixed term rates.

They will either invoice you for the contract or have a deduction made on their fee through the CIS scheme.

The CIS scheme is a fairly simple scheme where you are either the contractor or the subcontractor, the contractor will deduct and pay over 20% of the subcontractors gross pay for income tax.  The subcontractor is responsible for their own national insurance.   There is a monthly submission required to tell the Inland Revenue what deductions have been made, and payment may be required.

Subcontractors can claim any overpaid deductions against their self assessment return, once a year.

A point to be wary of, any sub contractor that works only for you, and for more than six months will automatically be classed as an employee, once this time has elapsed and you will be responsible for their tax and national insurance.

If in any doubt contact the Inland Revenue helpline on 0845 900 0444

There are many case law studies, where this issue has become cloudy, and the sub-contractor has won the case, been able to sue the customer for lost holiday pay, sickness pay allowances.   Don’t let that be you.

This blog is intended for information purposes only and is only advice from past experience, you may have other suggestions of your own.  It is not intended to be used to make all of your business decisions but as a guide only.