I see alot of business owners going into owning a business and under selling themselves.
We all have different reasons for going into business. You might be looking to be in charge of your own destiny. You have a great idea that youve always wanted to pursue. You lost your job and want to create your own or have a redundancy package that you want to re-invest.
Whatever your reason use these tips below as at the end of day, if youre not making a profit your dreams and aspirations fall by the way side.
Protect Your Margin
Your margin should be enough that it not only covers the direct cost of your product or service materials and labour, but allows you to make a profit to cover overheads and leave a profit/ or income for yourself to grow and develop the company.
There is a market price for every kind of product or service, ie what your customers will pay for your product or service. Stay ahead of the competition, know what they are doing, offer something different to stand yourself apart.
The margin itself
Costing your product or service is a vital project in itself.
Be aware of the percentages your industry can attain. If your in the food industry aim for a minimum of 3 x your costs, manufacturing products maybe lower be
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