The Financial Spring Clean


The weather is warming up and Spring is on the way, its great time for you to put some financial processes into action and start to look forward to the year ahead.


Your business plan/budget.


Keep this report in mind certainly every six months, ideally every quarter. Rolling the plan ahead and updating it with new ideas or processes you may have in place. I would also look at having a cashflow projection a year ahead, this will help you plug in cash reserves if there is a shortfall ahead of time. You will be better prepared for any challenges that await, if you see this all ahead of time.


Cash Is King


Keep your creditors and debtors up to date, I see far too many sets of accounts needing either tidying up, or money chasing from several months ago. This will keep you liquid if you are keeping the cash close to your chest. Make sure you have a fully usable process for keeping these up to date. Credit score new Customers if you are giving credit. Don’t be afraid to use outside help if some debts are getting hard to chase. By keeping this professional and not personal you are more likely to get a positive outcome.


Look at your processes


You can never spend enough time in tightening up your processes. Imagine you have moved your business from a couple of hundred thousand turnover to a million pound turnover business. If you havent addressed processes and improved efficiencies you will never cope with the increased demands. Delegate your time appropriately and keep training of your team at the heart of your business. As you grow you will be become more reliant on them, they are your future. Invest in them wisely and see the rewards, just like you would if you were buying equipment or software to run your business more efficiently.


Tracking your Sales


Are you tracking where your sales are coming from? How are businesses finding you? I always recommend you track at least the following


Where people are finding you

Long term customers/vs new business

Product/service segmentation

Average customer spend

Track every item of marketing spend you have, and make sure they are all working well.


Marketing Strategy


When was the last time you prepared a SWOT Analysis, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Your competition will be focused on this subject, you need to be one step ahead of them at all times. Dedicate at least a third of your time to marketing focus. Afterall you cant grow without increasing your new business. Track all of the spending in this area and drop what clearly isn’t working. Don’t ponder, this needs direct action.


Cost of Sales and Overheads.


Keep a close eye on your margins. Always track the service jobs you do, or check margins on the products that you make. It’s a good idea to keep timesheets and compare theses costs to the job originally quoted. This will enable you to quote better, and work on improving your margins, and in turn your profitability.


Overheads, keep a track of these. Some of these costs may be fixed, but that doesn’t mean that you cant make amendments if you need to. By knowing ahead of time it is worthwhile knowing your breakeven point. The point at which your sales match your costs, and any surplus is profit.


I hope you find these easy to follow steps and look forward to hearing from you as you develop your businesses and grow.  By managing your business as you grow you will be better prepared and find it easier to cope as the demands on your time increase.











This blog is intended for information purposes only, you may have suggestions of your own.  it is not intended to be used to make all of your decisions but as a guide only.

All posts tagged 'Accountancy-Service'

All the important rates and threshold for the tax year 2021/2022


National Minimum Wage

This takes effect from 01 April 2021 and all workers are entitled to.


Category of worker

Hourly rate

Aged 23 and above


Aged 21 to 22


Aged 18 to 20


Under 18 (but above compulsory school leaving age)


Apprentices aged under 19


Apprentices aged 19 and over (but in the first year of their apprenticeship)



Please note the age rate bracket has changed from previous years also.


PAYE Tax Rates and Threshold

These rates depend on the amount of income you earn.


Personal allowance


Basic tax rate – 20%

£12,571 – £37,700

Higher tax rate – 40%

£37,701 - £150,000

Additional tax rate – 45%


Employment Allowance


Employment Allowance allows eligible employers to reduce their annual National Insurance liability by up to the annual allowance amount.


Employment Allowance



Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)


The same weekly SSP rate applies to all employees. However, the amount you must actually pay an employee for each day they’re off work due to illness (the daily rate) depends on the number of ‘qualifying days’ they work each week.


Number of qualifying days in week

1 day to pay

2 days to pay

3 days to pay

4 days to pay

5 days to pay

6 days to pay

7 days to pay


























































Dividend Allowance

You also get a dividend allowance each year. You only pay tax on any dividend income above the dividend allowance.


Dividend Allowance


Mileage Allowance

The allowed deductible rate per mile for business use.


Type of vehicle



45p (for the first 10,000 business miles, then 25p for each subsequent mile)





We’re halfway through the year and 2019 is not slowing down for anybody. There are approximately 5.7 million businesses in the UK, of which 96% are considered small or micro. So, we small businesses are crucial to the UK economy, there is no denying this.


Whether you are a start-up and excited for the times ahead, or an establishment renewing your challenges, we all want to be successful with our business. In our latest blog, we talk about tips we think are vital to any business.


We all have a vision in mind, of where we’d like to see our business in the future. This vision needs to be translated on paper as your business plan. A business plan is a must for all business owners. This can help outside investors get an insight of your business, for if ever you need funding to grow your business.


Business Plan

A business plan should consist of;

·    Summary – What is your purpose, what is your vision?

·    Target market – Who are you likely to sell to

·    Competitors – What is your rivals weakness? Why are you different?

·    Staff – Do you need people to help run your business. What level of skill and pay is required?

·    Suppliers – Who will be your main supplier?

·    Marketing Plan – How will you advertise yourself to the world

·    Operations – Which is the best way to run your business.

·    Finance – How much money do you need? Determine the profitability of the business.


Business Structure

As well as a business plan, you will need to have a business structure. Sole trader, partnerships and limited companies all have their own pros and cons. Deciding which structure to choose is not always straightforward. If an asset is owned outright, then you would need to consider retaining personal ownership on incorporation. If you’re not sure which structure model you should go for, then here at Cross Accounting we can give tailored advice to you.


Year End

We cannot stress enough the importance of doing your year end as early as possible. Once completed, this will give you peace of mind as you will not have to worry, until next year. It will also give you more time to budget for your tax bill. You will not be in a rush to find the money for the tax bill and not kill your cashflow. Keep all receipts for your expenses, these will all help lower the tax bill. If you buy equipment or tools, mobile phone bills, petrol, these are all deductible. HMRC can conduct random spot checks, so it’s important to keep paperwork, recommended for 6 years.



Having budgets in place for your business can help you predict the near future. This allows you to have a spending plan, so you can make sure you have money for the things you need and the things that are important to you. You can see what is eating up your cash and avoid spending on unnecessary fees. Below is an example of a very simple budget.



Month 1 (Budget)

Month 1 (Actual)


Month 2 (Budget)

Month 2 (Actual)


Month 3 (Budget)

Month 3 (Actual)


Starting Cash




















Total Income


















































Gas and Electricity










Total Expense




















Income - Expense











These tips will keep you motivated and more importantly give you an idea of where your finances lay, helping you to quickly identify if there are rainy days ahead.

If you need expert tailored advice, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help.

Welcome to our latest blog. Christmas is around the corner and it’s our favourite time of the year here at Cross Accounting. It’s the time of giving and is there any other way to give your business a boost a grant to get your finance in place.


A business or an individual will be given a sum of money for a specific project or purpose. A grant usually covers only partial costs involved. Grants are given depending on your business activity, the amount of jobs that will be created due to this investment or if you are in a specific industry sector. Sometimes grants are linked to geographic areas. Such as those areas in need of an economic transformation.


Business Wales can support in finance, take a look at their finance locator to see if grants and other finance your business may be eligible for at


You should ensure that you meet the requirements of the scheme before applying for grants and finance. You’ll have to ensure you are ready to put up some of your own money as grants only cover partial costs. You’ll also need to have a detailed description of your project or purpose and a work plan with full costings. We can assist with a budget and full detailed cashflow to secure the finance you need.


The application process for grants can sometimes be time consuming and there usually is a lot of competition but on the plus side, most grants don’t have to be paid repaid giving your business that extra boost.


If you’re looking for that push to reach some New Years goals, the Development Bank of Wales can support to get the finance your business needs to succeed. Visit to get you ready for the New Year.


You will need to have a polished business plan at the ready.  If you would like us to look at your business plan, then you can book in for a free one-hour consultation where we can discuss how to start the New Year strong. Visit our website on or call us on 02920 653 995. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

There has been a change in the VAT Flat Rate Scheme since April 2017. The government are concerned that some businesses are using the scheme to pay less VAT than appropriate. Read our blog to be reminded of the rules and regulations.


The Flat Rate Scheme is designed to simplify your records of sales and purchases. It allows you to apply a fixed flat-rate percentage to your gross turnover to arrive at the VAT due.


The scheme is for businesses with a turnover no more than £150,000 a year, excluding VAT. The Flat Rate Scheme is a simpler method of working out the VAT you have to pay to HMRC. The flat rate percentage you use depends on your business sector. The correct sector is the one that most likely describes what your business will be doing in the coming year. Click here to find out your sector percentage


From 1 April 2017 the flat rate changes if you’re a limited cost business. The flat rate percentage will be 16.5% regardless of your sector if you are a limited cost business. You’re a limited cost business if the amount you spend on relevant goods including VAT is either, less than 2% of your VAT flat rate turnover or greater than 2% of your VAT flat rate turnover but less than £1000 per year.


You will also get a 1% discount if it is your first year as a VAT registered business. If you’re unsure about your VAT and would like to discuss, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Methods of Finance


In our latest blog, we talk about the best methods of finance for your business. Sometimes it’s great to have that extra push to take your business to the next level. To attract the best funding for your business, you will need a business plan. We are experts in the field of preparing a cashflow and a business plan and can assist you in achieving the best method of finance for your business.


Finance Wales

Finance Wales are set up to aid in funding. They offer bespoke debt and equity investment packages designed to boost your business and accelerate growth. They offer three types of packages, micro loans under £10,000 have an easy two-day process. Have a look at their website,,000.aspx 

for more information.


Bank Loans

Bank loans are probably the most common types of finance for you and I. These types of finance are an amount of money borrowed for a set period with an agreed repayment schedule. The repayment amount will depend upon the size and duration of the loan and rate of interest. The terms and price will vary between bank providers. There isn’t just one type of loan, there are many different types, which I will look in to and describe the differences.


·         Working Capital Loan – This type of loan is usually required at short notice or emergency situations. This will usually incur the highest percentage of interest.

·         Fixed Asset Loan – For buying assets, where the asset itself is used as a security for repayment.

·         Factoring Loans – This type of loan is based on money owed to your business by customers or clients.

·         Hire Purchase Loans – For long term purchase of assets such as vehicles or machinery.


It’s best to talk to your bank or bank manager, as they will let you know the exact amount you can get for finance. The bank managers love an excellent business plan and cashflow, so make sure yours is current and polished to get in the good books of your bank manager!



This method of finance is a sum of money extended to you as credit by your bank, set at a pre-arranged limit when your account balance drops below zero. Usually charged interest on any amount of overdraft you use. The terms and price, like the loans, vary between providers. This is a good source to manage cashflow, but it is probably not suitable if you’re looking for long term financing.



Crowdfunding, also known as crowd financing or crowd sourced capital is usually carried out online. This allows several investors to individually invest smaller amounts of money in to a business. The individual investments are then combined to help a business reach its funding target. Crowdfunding is an excellent option for businesses that struggle to raise finance through loans or the conventional funding methods. Since crowdfunding is conducted online, you should make sure your idea is protected. In return of the funding, investors usually get a percentage of share of the business.


You can find more information by visiting


Government Offers

Governments usually offer support to businesses in all different shapes and sizes. here you can find from funding and finance, to grants and to mentoring for your business.


Caerphilly council are offering a business development grant. This grant can provide up to 45% of eligible expenditure to a maximum of £2,000. Business must be based in Caerphilly and be in the manufacturing or service to the manufacturing sector, or have a minimum of 60% business to business. For businesses in the Caerphilly area, please look at this link to get more information.


Remember the key to accelerating your business in the positive forward thinking way to get that extra push is to have a business plan and cashflow in place. We offer a one hour no obligation consultation, where we can sit down with a cup of coffee and discuss your business. 

Visit our website on or call us on 029 20 653 995 to see how we can assist you.