Financial stability is crucial to any business. It is extremely important that you protect and enhance it. Cashflow of your business is vital. You need to be aware of how much money is coming in and how much money is going out of the business. You will need to have a plan in place to cover any shortfalls.


Governments are having their own challenges and not always there to help us in a crisis, we have to stand on our own two feet, to see ourselves through these challenging trading times.


To stay on top of cashflow, it is best to speak to your accountant about cashflow projections. We have also got examples of how to get the best of cashflow on our website, click here to find out more.


We have examples of cashflow and budgeting here.


So, what can be causes of cashflow issues?


The number one issue we see is when a supplier has increased their prices significantly. This is when you need to decide if there is something you can scale back on or is it time to start shopping around. Talking to your suppliers if you notice increases, we’ve all been facing this over the past 18 months.


Track and monitor your costs, by carrying out management accounts, comparing this year with last year, you can see instantly what has changed for you and your business.


Late payments from customers can lead to cashflow issues too. This can sometimes cause tension as you do not want to ruin relations. The following tips can help tackle these issues;

·        Ensuring your invoices are accurate and on time can help avoid late payments.

·        Giving gentle reminders as it approaches credit term limits.

·        Providing easy payment solutions such as bank transfer or a direct debit system

·        Check your customers credit score, giving too much credit without looking into your customer bill paying activities can lead to bad debts.

·        Discounts for early payment to improve the timing of when the cash will be paid in can help too.


We all dislike to pay tax, but it is a part of life. Tax planning helps to keep your business financially healthy. We must ensure we have the funds to cover the tax payments. This is why it is crucial to work with your accountant so that you know well ahead of time how much your tax bill is. Not paying the tax bill in full and on time can add to the cost. Penalties and interest will incur and can make this less manageable.


There are allowances and reliefs out there to bring the tax bill down. Getting this done correctly will ensure that you pay the lowest but accurate amount over to HMRC.


Set up a savings account, and slowly build up the cash towards any tax bill, you don’t get surprises when its time to pay the bill then. Any surplus in that account, could pay for something you want.


Businesses that plan ahead, traditionally do better than those that don’t plan and work in the dark.

Point 1

Always be aware of what you have in the bank Account

Point 2

Put together a short term cashflow 3 months and a longer term one 12 months

To put together the cashflow statement

Sales Income Put all you known sales turnover from your diary into the forecast Unknown your new sales turnover, use last years figures to guide you, in the absence of last year, use a realistic sales turnover.
Don’t forget VAT and keep it separate, as this money belong to the Inland Revenue
Other Income ie bank interest, dividend, insurance refunds.

Costs Cost of Sales this can be based on your average margin percentage

Overhead costs

Fixed and variable

Ie rent, heating, salaries, office costs
Bank loans and capital
The VAT return and Paye

Point 3

Update this daily or weekly, with actual figures, this will allow you to see in advance how your cash is being spent, and also if you need to fund the business. Or used for Capital expenditure and taking on staff. It’s a great predictor for being able to do operation things.

Point 4

If you see a dip in funds, make sure you know in plenty of time, as a six week window may not be able to be filled, whereas a 3 to 6 month window you can plan ahead, and build up cash funds to cover you over the slower time.

Point 5

Use other sources to save on cashflow Gain credit with suppliers Get your capital expenditure leased, or obtain a bank loan. This will also improve your credit score. You score goes up, when you are able to get credit.

Point 6

Keep this on track at all times, even when you are in a cash rich, situation. You might be wasting your money on low interest schemes. Look at saving in other areas.

Let it be used against bringing your tax bill down, investments in EIS schemes, Pension contributions.
Further investment that will give a better return. Capital expenditure. Website development.

There are approximately 5.6 million businesses in the UK, of which 98% are considered small to medium sized businesses. So, we small businesses are crucial to the UK economy, there is no denying this.


Whether you are a start-up and excited for the times ahead, or an establishment renewing your challenges, we all want to be successful with our business. In our latest blog, we talk about tips we think are vital to any business.


We all have a vision in mind, of where we’d like to see our business in the future. This vision needs to be translated on paper as your business plan. A business plan is a must for all business owners. This can help outside investors get an insight of your business, for if ever you need funding to grow your business.


Business Plan

A business plan should consist of;

·    Summary – What is your purpose, what is your vision?

·    Target market – Who are you likely to sell to

·    Competitors – What is your rivals weakness? Why are you different?

·    Staff – Do you need people to help run your business. What level of skill and pay is required?

·    Suppliers – Who will be your main supplier?

·    Marketing Plan – How will you advertise yourself to the world

·    Operations – Which is the best way to run your business.

·    Finance – How much money do you need? Determine the profitability of the business.


Business Structure

As well as a business plan, you will need to have a business structure. Sole trader, partnerships and limited companies all have their own pros and cons. Deciding which structure to choose is not always straightforward. If an asset is owned outright, then you would need to consider retaining personal ownership on incorporation. If you’re not sure which structure model you should go for, then here at Cross Accounting we can give tailored advice to you.


Year End

We cannot stress enough the importance of doing your year end as early as possible. Once completed, this will give you peace of mind as you will not have to worry, until next year. It will also give you more time to budget for your tax bill. You will not be in a rush to find the money for the tax bill and not kill your cashflow. Keep all receipts for your expenses, these will all help lower the tax bill. If you buy equipment or tools, mobile phone bills, petrol, these are all deductible. HMRC can conduct random spot checks, so it’s important to keep paperwork, recommended for 6 years.



Having budgets in place for your business can help you predict the near future. This allows you to have a spending plan, so you can make sure you have money for the things you need and the things that are important to you. You can see what is eating up your cash and avoid spending on unnecessary fees. Below is an example of a very simple budget.



Month 1 (Budget)

Month 1 (Actual)


Month 2 (Budget)

Month 2 (Actual)


Month 3 (Budget)

Month 3 (Actual)


Starting Cash




















Total Income


















































Gas and Electricity










Total Expense




















Income - Expense











These tips will keep you motivated and more importantly give you an idea of where your finances lay, helping you to quickly identify if there are rainy days ahead.

If you need expert tailored advice, please do get in touch as we are always happy to help.

There is always new rates and thresholds that come in to place in the new financial year.

The National Minimum Wage rate has gone up, however, the personal threshold has stayed the same.


Personal Allowance

The personal allowance is the amount you can earn without having to pay any tax.


This financial year 2023-24 is £12,570


PAYE Tax Rate

Rate of Tax

Annual Earnings

Personal Allowance


£0 - £12,570

Basic Rate


£12,571 - £37,700

Higher Tax Rate


£37,701 - £125,140

Additional Tax Rate




National Insurance Rates

As an employee, you will pay Class 1 NI rates. If you earn above the primary threshold, then you will play Class 1 NI. The primary threshold for 2023-24 are £242 a week, or, £1,048 a month, or, £12,570 a year.


You will pay an additional 2% if you are in the upper earning limit. The upper earning limit are £967 a week, or, £4,189 a month, or, £50,270 a year



Class 1 National Insurance

National Insurance Category

Earnings above Primary Threshold

Balance of earning above Upper Earning Limit

Standard (A)



State Pension Age (C)



Under 21 (M)




As an employer, you will have to pay national insurance on your staff members. This includes if you are a sole director on payroll. The rate applies to earnings above the secondary threshold. The secondary threshold for 2023-24 are £175 a week, or, £758 a month, or, £9,100 a year.


Employer National Insurance

National Insurance Category

Earnings above Primary Threshold

Balance of earning above Upper Earning Limit

Standard (A)



State Pension Age (C)



Under 21 (M)




Employment Allowance

Employment Allowance allows eligible employers to reduce their annual National Insurance liability by up to the annual allowance amount. For the year 2023-24 this is £5,000

National Minimum Wage

The National Minimum Wage is the minimum pay per hour all workers are entitled to by law. These rates apply from 1 April 2023


Category of Worker

Hourly Rate

Aged 23 and above


Aged 21 – 22


Aged 18 – 20


Aged Under 18





SSP Statutory Sick Pay

Employees are entitled to SSP if they are off work for 3+ days. The same weekly Statutory Sick Pay rate applies to all employees. However, the amount you must actually pay an employee for each day they’re off work due to illness (the daily rate) depends on the number of ‘qualifying days’ they work each week.


No. of Qualifying Days

1 Day to pay

2 Days to pay

3 Days to pay

4 Days to pay

5 Days to pay

6 Days to pay

7 Days to pay


























































If you want to ensure you are not breaking the payroll rules with NMW and SSP, message us to see how we can help.


If you do not understand the personal allowance threshold give us a call on our Cardiff or Bridgend office where the team will be happy to help. 

A couple of weeks ago we highlighted main aspects of the previous chancellors mini-budget. A lot has happened in the house of parliament recently and the new chancellor, Jeremy Hunt reverses most of the mini-budget tax cuts.


Below you can find the updated version from Jeremy Hunts statement.


National Insurance

One of the few things that is staying, is the reversal of the National Insurance social care levy. From 6th November 2022, the extra 1.25% will no longer be added to National Insurance contributions. This means a saving of £330 per year for nearly 28 million people.


Originally the extra 1.25% was introduced to fund the NHS, however, this will now be funded through general taxation.


Income Tax

The biggest reversal is in the rates of income tax. The ex-chancellor said that income tax will be down to 19% from April 2023, however, this will now not go ahead. It will remain at 20% for now.


The abolition of the 45% higher rate income tax has also been reversed. The 45% higher rate income tax band now means that the higher rate earners will pay income tax on earnings over £150,000


Corporation Tax

The reversal on corporation tax for companies means that the increase from 19% to 25% will go ahead after all. This will come into action from April 2023. Only businesses with profits of £250,000 or greater will be taxed at the full 25% rate - about 10% of companies in the UK.


Any companies with profits of £50,000 or lower, will pay at the 19% rate



Rules around the benefit system will remain and unchanged. Benefits can be reduced if people don’t actively search for job commitments. Around 120,000 more people on universal credit to be encouraged to actively seek more work, the over 50’s to be given extra time to work with coaches to help them in the return to work.


What else has been cancelled?

Other measures that have been cancelled include:

·         VAT-free shopping for overseas visitors,

  • A freeze on alcohol duty. Planned increases in the duty rates for beer, cider, wine and spirits will now go ahead
  • Cuts to the tax paid on shareholders' dividends - the increase introduced in April will now stay in place



A typical household using both gas and electricity would pay no more than £2,500 annually for two years the government said. However, the energy price guarantee now only covers this winter. It will be in place until April next year. A review will look at what measures should be put in place after this date.


Stamp Duty

Stamp duty will remain in place. In England, no stamp duty is paid on first £250,000 and for first time buyers, this is increased to £425,000. To check out Wales’ stamp duty rates, please click here


These rules seem like they will stay in place now but, as always, we will keep you up to date with the latest